Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Similar mom therapy!

So today I took the boys to a regular play date at one of our favorite spots, and happily met up with a mom friend who has two boys the same ages as mine. She is also a stay at home mom and puts her kids first before anything else. I was so relieved to hear that her problems are so similar to mine, I think I really needed to know that I'm not the only one that thinks, some days, it IS all too much! We are both still nursing kids at the ages fifteen and eighteen months, hoping that we could have stopped by 12! But too tired and frustrated to push it with a stubborn almost toddler! We both agreed that we thought we'd be better moms then we actually are, and that two is more than enough to handle at this point in our lives. The kids were great and we all had a wonderful time, it just felt really great to know I'm no the only one that finds herself second guessing the choices I've made sometime? I know everything will turn out fine but, it's all just a process of learning, failing, and succeeding I guess?

That's all for today

Thanks mom like me ;) good to know your right there with me!

Had my second encounter yesterday as I watched a mom of four boys at the park line up the boys next to her car, proceed to pull down their pants and help them pee right next to her car. Yep, that's how it is done and I'm not ashamed of it either mom like me!! Thank you. Four boys!! Geesh! I can't imagine that.

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